Wednesday, October 15, 2008

In Which Eric's Betrothed Becomes a Fencing Champion of Sorts

Point 1:

Haha! Eric, you are the inferior fencer in your household! Looks like it's pretty clear who wears the knickers in this relationship.

Point 2:

As excited as I am that my dream of an Allison-induced Eric-stabbing closes in on realization, my joy is somewhat tempered by the fact that her grand victory has come over a man who swordfights with children for a living. Perhaps not the highest level of competition around.

Point 3:

On the other hand, I don't remember Eric saying he defeated The Instructor, so by the transitive property of fencing skill, Allison > Eric. How's that for pseudo-math, robot boy?

Point 4:

"Robot boy" is a childish, unimaginative insult. My aims would probably be better served by making some kind of snarky comment about the largeness of Eric's facial features, predominantly the nose.

Point 5:

Big-Nosed Robot Boy? Yes, that's much better.

Point 6:

Allison, if you are reading this and if your hangover has subsided, might I request that when you inevitably slay your collaborationist husband, you do so while declaring "From Hell's heart, I stab at thee!?" I'm sure Herman Melville would approve.

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