Hello everyone, and welcome to my new platform for belittling Eric's self-aggrandizement, and hopefully by doing so achieving some of my own. If you don't know who I am already, I am not surprised, nor do I blame you. My name is Patrick, though I have gone by other aliases, none of which, unfortunately, improved upon my given moniker. I am currently employed as an errand-boy of sorts; certainly not the lofty position of "grad student" held by aquatic rodent Eric Walkingshaw, but it does allow me considerable time to attempt to knock him down a peg. I myself am unmarried--in truth, unattached to anyone, romantically, to a rather embarrassing degree--with neither horse-trainers nor felines to call my own (I do, however, possess many pairs of clean white socks). This blog will mostly be about Eric's blog, which you can find here or, should you be so inclined, among the links in the sidebar. Thus, it will be excruciatingly boring unless you are into that sort of thing, which if you are means it would make more sense for you to read Eric's blog itself rather than this one. But if you're into blogs by people you're not interested in that are about blogs by other people whose lives you're not interested in, then this just might be the place for you (hi, imaginary boring person!). Occasionally it may feature posts on broader interests, but only if Eric himself posts on these things, and as his "broader interests" include such things as obscure board games and computer programming, you can just imagine how exciting that will be.
About the title
I spent very little time working on the title for this blog, as I already had the title of Eric's blog to work with, and as my blog's main purpose is to shadow and, whenever possible, openly mock his own, the title was very easy to come up with. Like Eric's blog's title, my title is also derived from a Kid Koala album, in this case Some of My Best Friends are DJ's. I profess no great admiration for Kid Koala, or kids and koalas in general, but I do have the Internet, a search engine, and time. Also, you may have noticed that like Eric I am linking to other pages for the subjects I am referencing, but you may not have noticed that those links do not hold to the Wiki-opoly that seems to have wrested control of Eric's soul. Instead, my links are (and shall be) to web pages that do not traffic in being informative, easy-to-use, or, for that matter, relate at all to the subject that I am referencing. For example: clowns.
I do recognize that this title is almost entirely inaccurate, since I have very few friends to begin with and none of them are, to my knowledge, blogs. However, I am leaving open the possibilty that in the future I will someday befriend a group of blogs, bond with them, and forge a long-lasting camaraderie with them, thus rendering my blog title true. The irony, of course, is that in a future where I am best friends with a number of blogs, Eric Walkingshaw will almost undoubtedly rule the world, and I as a consequence shall have been at best exiled to some hostile extra-galactic planet or, at worst, turned into some weird robotic love-slave, doomed forever to serve my master's bidding as a member of his obscenely large robo-harem. Eric is indeed a strange fellow, with strange desires indeed.
But at least I'm not saying anything untoward about his mother.
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